my name is jackie luo. right now, i work on zora.

i'm interested in communities built around collaborative creation, new paradigms on contribution, ownership, and governance, and the interplay of culture and technology. i like talking about these topics, and more, so ping me if you ever want to think through them together.

when i have time, i run the dream machine (an erratically published newsletter with essays on technology, society, and identity), irl society (a monthly event series), and the framework project (an interview series with people thinking about tech and its impact on society). less formally, i like to make candles, shoot photography, read, thrift furniture, and cook.

most recently, i co-founded [redacted], a creative project built on decentralized technologies. before that, i led product at driver's seat and wrote code at square and nylas. once upon a time, i studied philosophy at columbia university, ran a fashion and arts publication called ache magazine, and founded a nonprofit called fashion cares.